Productive land-based investments




Tangible has seven vineyards under management on behalf of eight investor groups. We have several others committed to further investment. Lessees are Booster Wine Group, Vinlink and Kono Wines. Grape supply is with Treasury Wine Estates (Matua Wines).

Tangible has just under $60 million of vineyards under management.

Vineyard Name Contractual Status Location Property Area (ha) Canopy Area (ha)
Glenlea Grape Supply Marlborough 32 25
Blue Gum Leased Marlborough 32 27
Singing Bridge* Leased Marlborough 120 83
Hautapu Leased Hawke's Bay 22 19
Mt Royal* Leased Marlborough 133 82
Total 339 236

*Vineyard Development


If you're interested in investing in vineyards, register your interest below by completing the Expression of Interest Form. If you'd like to chat further about investing in vineyards and or other upcoming investment opportunities call Steve Stuart on +64 27 223 77331.