Vineyard Amalgamation, Awatere - Marlborough
Estimated Return on Investment (excluding capital gain) 7.2% - 7.6%.
33 ha Title, 25 ha canopy.
25 Blind River Irrigation shares and a 20,000 m3 Dam.
Climatically favourable location, 5km to Seddon, 30km to Blenheim.
Grape supply agreement with well-established and high-profile winery.
50% shareholding available to qualifying shareholder/s.
Investor funds required $1.5m (for 50% shareholding).
Balance shareholding already subscribed to a single investor with experience in the wine industry with other vineyard investments.
If you wish to discuss this or any other opportunity further please complete the Expression of interest form by following the link below or call Steve Stuart on +64 27 223 7731